Deepwater Horizon was a movie that shined a Hollywood-sized spotlight on the tragic 2010 explosion that killed 11 workers and injured 17 workers. Released in September of 2016, the film documented the events leading up to the catastrophe that cost BP more than $60...
Month: December 2016
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The deadly consequences of “going live”
The advent of modern technology has created convenience beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Cellular telephones that became flip phones and evolved into smart phones are commonplace in all forms of communication. Ironically, actual calls are a growing rarity and have been...
Fracking Injury Risk: Hydrogen Sulfide Is More Than a Foul Smell
The fracking boom has spread to several locations in the United States, including southeast Texas and areas of Louisiana. Any company drilling for oil, natural gas, or other chemicals, especially if they are doing so near salt domes in Louisiana, is at risk of...