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- 3 car accident injuries that take time to reveal themselves
- 3 common anesthesia errors
- Acute soft-tissue injuries
- Administrative penalties with a DWI
- An explanation of confusing criminal defense terms
- An expungement will give you a new lease on life
- Are hurricanes a problem for cruises?
- Are power strips a fire hazard?
- Beware of defective medical devices
- Birth control recall due to packaging mistake
- Can you be tricked into buying a defective product?
- Car accidents - the leading cause of traumatic brain injury
- Car crashes and your child’s future
- Could a prescription drug be a defective product?
- Could auto-brewery syndrome be to blame for your DUI?
- Dangerous driver distractions: Texting
- Dangers of electric heaters
- Distracted driving paving the way for new car technology
- Do warning labels reduce liability?
- Do you have to contact law enforcement after an accident?
- Drunk driver faces charges for fatal accident
- Drunk driving charges and employment
- Factors contributing to sentinel events
- Finding the truth about medical providers
- Fracking Injury Risk: Hydrogen Sulfide Is More Than a Foul Smell
- Getting life back on track after drug charges
- Getting the facts on FDA recalls
- Health conditions doctors commonly misdiagnose
- Hernia surgery risks and errors
- How an underage DWI can affect your teen's life
- How are drugs misused in nursing homes?
- How can expungement give me a second chance?
- How can I file a HIPPA complaint?
- How can I have my criminal record expunged?
- How can I stay safe onboard a vessel?
- How can motorists avoid accidents in the winter?
- How can you prove a manufacturer defect?
- How drug courts impact methamphetamine addiction
- How is a jury chosen?
- How long can I wait before filing an auto accident lawsuit?
- How many lives are lost due to drunk driving?
- How should I handle an adverse effect to medication?
- How to avoid texting and grooming while driving
- How to be an advocate for your health
- How to prevent man overboard fatality on commercial vessels
- How to settle a Longshore Act injury claim in Louisiana
- How to spot the signs on an aggressive driver
- How to stay on top of product recalls
- How to stay safe in a hit-and-run
- How to teach teens to be good drivers
- I own a boat: what do I do when hurricane season approaches?
- Identifying the signs of a negligent nursing home
- Is a ship undergoing repairs a navigable vessel?
- Is drug use during pregnancy a crime?
- Is medical marijuana allows on cruise ships?
- Is your loved one being neglected in the nursing home?
- Items may be left behind following a procedure
- Job hunting with a felony charge
- Know the differences between the Jones Act and the LHWCA
- Maritime injuries and the law
- Medical and legal complications of car crashes
- Medical misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose
- Medication errors and how they can affect your life
- Mother and children receive award after drunk driving accident
- Offshore fracking poses the risk of injury for workers
- Preventing medication errors
- Putting employee safety over cost savings
- Recalled inhalers may deliver insufficient doses
- Recent birth control pill recall
- Reviewing examples of surgical errors
- Scaffold accidents a concern for the construction industry
- Serious injuries can take the fun out of watersports
- Solitary confinement in the center of recent lawsuit
- Steps to take after a prescription drug recall
- Steps to take when you are involved in a car crash
- The consequences of inadequate anesthesia
- The dangers of energy drinks
- The dangers of portable generators
- The deadly consequences of “going live”
- The facts about Louisiana expungements
- The inherent dangers fracking workers face
- The long-term dangers of transvaginal mesh
- The most dangerous children’s toys of 2016
- The risks of botched plastic surgeries
- Thinking beyond class action for product liability
- Understanding Louisiana’s DWI/DUI laws
- Understanding the basics of Jones Act claims in Louisiana
- Understanding whiplash following a car accident
- Was your child charged with underage drinking at college?
- What are SHIPS?
- What are some common AC defects?
- What are some common shipyard injuries?
- What are some safety risks on a cruise ship?
- What are the boating laws in Louisiana?
- What are the long-lasting effects of a felony charge?
- What are the three types of product defects?
- What can you do to stay safer on an oil rig job?
- What does it mean to plead the 5th?
- What happens when you violate probation or parole in Louisiana?
- What is a hung jury?
- What is a plea bargain?
- What is the Coast Guard's role in enforcing maritime law?
- What is the difference between a bench trial and a jury trial?
- What is the difference between probation and parole?
- What is the Medical Review Panel?
- What kind of damages can I receive for a car accident?
- What makes product warnings effective?
- What should I do if I learn my doctor was sued?
- What should I do when I first discover medical malpractice?
- What should you know about the distracted driving epidemic?
- What to do if your teen is caught with drugs
- What to know before having an appendectomy
- What you need to know about the Jones Act
- Who is at risk for shingles?
- Why are marine jobs so dangerous?
- Why do children need to ride in car seats?
- Why is there no outrage over drunk driving?
- Workers' compensation and medical expenses under the LHWCA
- Bossier Law Office
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Frequently Asked Injury Questions
- Can a person recover damages for injuries sustained on someone else's property?
- Can anyone bring a wrongful death claim?
- Can I have a civil claim for suffering injury due to assault and battery?
- Can third parties be held responsible for injuries stemming from a drunk driving accident?
- Does the average member of the public have any privacy rights?
- How do I know if I have a personal injury case?
- How do insurers determine what a car is worth?
- I have been hurt by using a defective product, Who is responsible for my injuries?
- I have been injured by medication my doctor gave me, Do I have a claim?
- I was injured when I slipped and fell in a local business Establishment, What Can I Do?
- If a dog bites a person, is the owner liable for doctor's bills?
- If I have suffered injury, what kind of damages can I expect?
- Is an owner of property liable for using deadly force to defend their property?
- Learn More: Plaintiff's Personal Injury Law
- My elderly relative was injured while residing in a nursing home, What Can I Do?
- Previous Selections
- What are Soft Tissue Injuries?
- What can I do If I've Been Injured on a Cruise Ship?
- What does a person have to prove to win a slander or libel claim?
- What is a catastrophic injury?
- What is a slip-and-fall action?
- What is a wrongful death action?
- What is liability insurance?
- What is negligence?
- What is uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage?
- What must a plaintiff prove to recover for an assault or battery?
- What remedies does a railroad worker, who is injured while working, have?
- What type of claim may I have for an animal bite injury?
- Who is responsible for birth injuries?
- Who pays for workers' compensation benefits?
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